Rolling link list.
I'm letting links get lost because I don't have time to write up pieces on them. That's stupid. So here is a list of pieces to which I'd like to return John...
I'm letting links get lost because I don't have time to write up pieces on them. That's stupid. So here is a list of pieces to which I'd like to return John...
Lapham's Quarterly presented, in image form, a selection of marginal notes made by Medieval scribes as they laboured to reproduce texts. My favourite is this...
In the Guardian, Alex Hearn reported on an interactive Twitter game named Wanderer. This is a typical choose your own adventure -- but with a mutliplayer ele...
In The Slate writer and literary editor Daniel Menaker considered the traditional gatekeepers of the literary world. He discussed two conflicts: Amazon v Hac...
I am a book stalker. If I see you reading a book in a public place I just have to know what it is. Not knowing drives me mad. I might miss a train or a bus j...
In the Guardian, self-publishing academic Dr. Alison Baverstock addressed some misapprehensions about DIY publishing. Partly this meant addressing general pr...
In the Guardian, Rick Gekoskiannounced that he is abandoning his attempt to write a history (or biography) of the book. I spent the last two years toiling aw...
io9 hosted an interesting discussion about the dogged persistence of print. Arguments included: Many people just prefer the sensual experience of print (tac...