NaNoWriMo Diary: Week 2 – What to wri...
What to write about, indeed? How does anyone decide what to write 50,000 words about? I suppose if I wanted to write something for publication I’d have plot...
What to write about, indeed? How does anyone decide what to write 50,000 words about? I suppose if I wanted to write something for publication I’d have plot...
Name The payoff switcheroo Purpose With two characters each approaching crisis in a story, you can increase impact by unexpectedly substituting a second cha...
I have been climbing back out from a very bad week. Someone killed my cat, just ran him over and never stopped. We were out looking for him ...
Give or take the economic crisis and the newest data about the chemical composition of the Moon, NaNoWriMo seems to have been the hottest topic in the blogos...
I’m going to finish this story. Really I am. I’m on draft four and I suspect the next rewrite will do it. It will start to come together and really shine. An...
I know everyone is peddling advice right now, but with my Inflatable Ink co-writer poised to throw herself into NaNoWriMo for the very first time I reckon I’...
Signing your life (or at least, a chunk of it) away is all too easy these days. I signed up for NaNoWriMo for the first time on October 3rd–long ago enough t...
I’ve been hinting at a few changes around here for a while now, and this is the week for it! We’re introducing three (count ’em.. three!) new weekly features...