Did I say week two? We’ve been on the go all year really. But it’s only recently that Inflatable Press the site has become a primary objective. Each time I come here to write a post, I notice just how much more things have come together – thanks in large part to frontend superguy, Max Guglielmino – who tells me he’d rather eat broken glass than write anything himself. Don’t worry Max, I’ll be your bard.

So where are we at? Well, we now have some promising templates for section menu pages which use a lovely clean grid structure. Also, there have been lots of improvements around the main article page – not to mention improved image presentation, better quoting and much else.

Of course, this site has a business aspect too, and I’ve been making some progress with one of our code offerings — a WordPress plugin which should help our own site promotion initially. I hope then it will help other writer/publishers with theirs too.

It’s still an eerie feeling sitting here and typing to myself but, as the article stockpile begins to grow and the layouts look more and more polished, it’s slowly getting easier to believe that one day soon this will be an actual public site, with actual readers.

Now, though, I’d better go pay some bills by getting some code out for one of our lovely clients.