After my first attempt at microfiction back in February, I have found myself more and more interested in the form. Not because I believe that’s where I belong. To quote a friend and editor of mine: “Microfiction is soooooo not your thing.” She’s right, I like a bit more room.

On the other hand, though, I’ve been thinking increasingly about story structure since I began deconstructing science fiction short stories a while back. It seems to me that microfiction can be a crucible. There’s little room for anything but pure story, and yet you must hint at a rich world with a word or two at the edge of plot. Is it possible to make something satisfying within the limitation of 250 words, and might that discipline improve your writing in longer forms. I could do with a bit of economy in my writing.

So when announced another contest, this time on the theme of telepathy, I couldn’t resist. My story is a particularly twisted menage a trois between two demon/imps and a lady. My willing victims have described it as “sick”, “…weird”,  and “like a particularly nasty dream sequence”.

So no surprise that I didn’t win this time either. Except I’m completely delighted to have been named one of three finalists. The story will be featured on the site in the next few days, so I’ll link to it then.

There’s nothing like impartial validation to spur you on, is there? Well there’s money, which is a bit like impartial validation with benefits. Either way, I’ll hit my writing session tomorrow morning with renewed enthusiasm.