
Auditioning my next novel

I have been working on my novel ROSALIND for more years than I care to admit. There have been shaky times – several complete rewrites come to mind. And som...

Signs you might be a story geek

I noticed that Go Into The Story reposted an index of the excellent series of posts on Aristotle’s Poetics from 2013, and it occurred to me that I should d...

Words we should ration #1: Skitter

Sometimes a word is just too good not to use. It sounds out with a lovely onomatopoeic resonance and conjures the perfect image in the reader’s imagination. ...

Welcome to the Under Blog

Happy Friday from Inflatable Press. Although we are in a seemingly endless set up mode I have decided to start adding content as a kind of rolling dress r...

Three types of story

Despite having written a few and studied many more, I don’t think I’ve ever really come to grips with the grammar of the short story. It may be partly due to...

Bzzzt – decloaking

So there was this Creative Writing MA. Actually there was that MA, and then there was this MA. What I did. Two in a row, for complicated reasons. And I loved...

Your leased future

I mentioned a while back that I’ll be folding my Bookshape blog into this one over the coming weeks. This is my first new Bookshape post. Two articles about...

Day jobs and writing

Well, it’s been a month since my ten days of blogging. Am I rested? Well not really, because I’ve spent the time catching up with all sorts of writing and da...

Day 10 (Day 10)

It’s day 10 of my solo Back to Blogging Challenge. Whew. As soon as you commit to something it’s guaranteed that everything else in your life will go crazy....

Friday check in (Day 9)

Today I hit a writing wall. It’s not so much a block as a realisation that I could go on indefinitely in my current direction because I like to describe the ...

Just generally checking in (Day 5)

No article or story for today’s Back to Blogging challenge post. More of a check in, really. It’s hot here in the UK, and various freelance issues overtook ...

Outlining on the mind

I love the way the internet ripples. I’m not sure if a post on a topic in one blog prompts another, or a mysterious primal force drives people to discuss the...

New blog: Book Shape

Given how often I’ve been posting here recently, I’m sure you can understand my need to start a new blog. In fact the reasons for the new blog and for my com...

Am I back?

Ahem. Should have been writing today. Did a bit of surfing. So anyway. Here are some of the things I’ve been reading today (a lot of them courtesy of Poets ...

Flash fiction: Action Required

Over at Terribleminds Chuck Wendig laid down a flash fiction challenge inspired by Occupy Writers: a 1000 word story on corporate abuse – any genre. Mine was...

A little twitter catch up

I’ve been a tad slack on the Twitter front recently, but I like to keep a record of good writing links around. I still mine my old link round up articles w...

Welcome to the new Inflatable Ink

Well it’s taken me two years, but I’ve finally got round to moving Inflatable Ink from its temporary home on Blogger to its own Wordpress theme. I have nothi...

Time for some platform building

I’ve always had a difficult time with networking and marketing. I’m at my happiest building websites, and applications and stories, and at my worst put...

Some Flashback Thoughts

When I describe a plot I tend to talk about a succession of events. Something happens first. And then something else happens. A character works to achie...

Where’s Inflatable?

In case you’re were wondering, Inflatable Ink is not dead. It’s just pining for the fjords very very quiet right now. In fact I’m working on a new ver...


I have been preparing for something of a new start recently, and what better way to mark that than getting the study painted? When it...

Il faut cultiver son jardin

If I can be Candide with you… If you wondered what’s been happening chez inflatable over the last three weeks or so (is it really that long? apparently so)....

An exercise in voice

Here’s an exercise courtesy of the Introduction to Playwriting course that will probably be powering many of my posts in the coming weeks. This is best under...

Ask it twice (in transit)

I’m somewhere over the Atlantic as I write this, near Reykjavik in fact. Which I guess shows that I do occasionally work on planes, even though the passenger...

Conflicted about editing

I’ve been working to combine various drafts into a single good one over the last few weeks, and I’ve found myself strangely reluctant to use old work. ...

Links and pondering hiatus

We went absent last week, sorry. Various real world events intervened in unavoidable and unforeseeable ways. As they do. Speaking of which, I’m on my o...

Skeletal links, late and tweety

Steph was hit by flu-like symptoms this weekend, so we had to skip our usual roundup. Sorry and all that, and get well soon Steph! The round up should be ba...

REPOST: Embrace Your Inner Zombie

This week I’m reposting some favourite Inflatable Ink pieces from the last year or so. At a workshop recently the discussion turned, as it does, to our p...

REPOST: The ten minute writer

This week I’m reposting some favourite Inflatable Ink pieces from the last year or so. For some reason, the prospect of writing often fills me with mi...

Seasonal Links

These are seasonal links insofar as we’re in the festive season, and they’re links. We’re talking links in the season, not links of the season. Not that I’m...

Remember me? Here are some links

Hello Internet. It’s me, Matt. I’ve been off for a while battling deadlines and other nasties. Steph is in Spain and wearing a t-shirt. A t-shirt! Outside! ...

Links: No More NaNo!

So. Finally it’s over. Yay. Heartfelt congratulations to all the winners, heartfelt commiserations to all the rest, and praise be to God that there are nearl...

The Backlash

And so everyone gets together and has big rolling party. A party in which the weirdest ideas become indistinguishable from truth. A party where the shifting ...

Magical thinking

The other day, I read Hilary Mantel’s diary of the time she spent in hospital fighting a life-threatening illness. That she was ill and in hospital is factua...

No links friday

Steph has had a difficult week of it, what with NaNo kicking off and various other trials — I’m sure she’ll bring you up to date on Tuesday next week, when s...

Vaguely Italian

I’m writing this from Rome, though when it will see the light of day is another matter. No doubt I’ll be somewhere else then. Maybe America. (UPDATE: yes, Am...

15 influences

This weekend, friend-of-inflatable Cheryl Ossola tagged me on Facebook. That makes me sound very social-networky, I realize, but there you are, that’s what h...

Keeping on

I have been climbing back out from a very bad week.  Someone killed my cat, just ran him over and never stopped. We were out looking for him ...

New Inflatable Ink schedule

I’ve been hinting at a few changes around here for a while now, and this is the week for it! We’re introducing three (count ’em.. three!) new weekly features...

In Cumbria/The Do-Over

In Cumbria, UK having come via NYC, Philadelphia, Manchester, which is my excuse for the quiet around here. I’m missing America dreadfully already, but...

Nail Your Novel review

I’ve been promising for a while to review Nail Your Novel by Roz Morris. With Christmas here I’ve actually found some time to catch up on a few of my promise...

Round up from the Grand Canyon

I have been in Las Vegas and at the Grand Canyon this week, so I’m late and sparse once again. Still, I managed to fit in some reading around my travel...

The lost post

I’m mourning a lost post. I’m in unlovely Las Vegas amidst the cigarette smoke and dead-eyed slot machine addicts. After an hour looking in vain for a ...

The round up, revised

This week I go mad for revision. First drafts are so last month! I drop in on Pratchett’s process and find him playing with orcs. I check out the 20 be...

A late round up

With NaNoWriMo just finished and a mountain of catch up still under way, the round up has been a little squeezed. Still, here’s a short check in on som...

Whew, Well that’s Done Then

I wrote 8000 words in two days. Two days that included driving from LA to San Francisco, and eight hours paying work. I finally made my weary way to the f...

Round Up from Behind

This week I’ve gone bad.  I rail against bad blog conventions, and then refute my own point with a link to an excellent post that breaks my rules. Go m...

A Hostile Round Up

With half the writing community currently engaged in wordcount battles, there’s an appropriately combative note to this week’s round up. The structure ...

NaPoMoNoWriMo: Going Postmodern

Apparently there are some people out there are trying to write a novel in a month. Since they’re engaged in a project called National Novel Writing Mon...

Round Up Redux

This week NaNoWriMo just won’t stop being a thing people talk about, so I join in and pimp my own NaNoRelated offering. Finishing stuff turns out to be...

Round Up the Usual Suspects

More on editing and unediting the dead this week. How to maintain tension even when your cell phone makes everything too easy. A man gets his hair cut ...


There has been much excited gushing in the blogs recently about NanoWriMo. I did not realize until recently the extent to which NaNo has become a kind ...

Editing Big then Small

When I’m editing, I often get caught up in the nasty details of my writing. I’ll be reading through a paragraph and I’ll notice that I have fallen rep...

Deja Review

I may not have posted anything else since my last round up, but that didn’t stop me grazing the literary ruminations the internet has to offer. Which I guess...

A very long round up

I’ve been keeping an eye on bookish and writer-oriented sites for a while with a view to a weekly round up. This week, I’m kicking off with a bumper post, co...

Discipline and publish

I try to use most of the practices I have been researching and writing about here, at least until they hit the ‘it’s not for me’ pile. So it makes sense to d...

Theme and Foreshadowing

I attended a workshop last night. Every two weeks this group gets together to analyse two or three chapters submitted by members of the group. As usual...

Embrace your Inner Zombie

At a workshop recently the discussion turned, as it does, to our productivity. One participant bemoaned her own output. She needed to be in the right m...

Hello! How do you do?

This my the eleventh post. Now, according to the arbitrary rules I have set myself, I am allowed to say some things about this blog and about myself. F...

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A round up test

Round up: The Hobbit at 80. Penelope Lively at 84. Philip Pullman’s new trilogy. Free short stories. Writing prompts.Marilynne Robinson. And more!

Round up the second

Everything is going to be alright. Here. Have a kitten. Some useful beta feedback for Pressmonkey threw us into a little frenzy as we worked to make the to...

Rolling links 2

Another catch up. I have been mostly tweeting recently, and keeping my own notes -- but I found myself looking up this archive recently for a submission, and...

Rolling link list.

I'm letting links get lost because I don't have time to write up pieces on them. That's stupid. So here is a list of pieces to which I'd like to return John...

Book stalker

I am a book stalker. If I see you reading a book in a public place I just have to know what it is. Not knowing drives me mad. I might miss a train or a bus j...

Is Amazon evil?

The current raft of issues: Is Amazon a monopoly? (Probably not). Is it fixing to become one using a loss leader strategy? Is it strong-arming its suppliers ...

Fingerprinting e-books

At The Guardian James Bridle reports on a plan to automatically alter the text of digital books in order to foil piracy after the fact. This involves making ...


Hello. This is Book Shape. Anachronistic or not, I have to kick off with this book technology related sketch.

Links: Fire in Cairo

This week’s been like living through the 1980s all over again, except that this time around we don’t have Reagan/Thatcher/Gorbachev, or Lech Wałęsa, or CND, ...

Links: Just a quickie

As we’re approaching the midpoint of NaNoWriMo 2010, naturally the blogosphere is crowded with it. And for much the same reason, I’m pushed for time! Notewor...

Links: Roll on December

What a lot of NaNo advice there is to be had this week! Would anyone–anyone other than the advice-givers that is–mind so very much if I ignore most of it and...

Links: Prep and pep-talks

Is modern technology a boon to all, or is it the spawn of the Devil himself? The publishing industry really can’t seem to make up its collective mind either ...

Oh-so-late links

My secret is out. A slip of the little finger posted my title-free rough notes to this blog in the wee sma’ hours, meaning that–despite my super-fast middle ...


I’m back from my travels, and it’s my turn to trawl the net for writing links. I’ve thrown in a couple of silly videos as well, in case your attention wander...

Links: Hotch-potch

As an unknown (to me) stand-up comedian at the Edinburgh Fringe said, “Life is more complicated than Dan Brown would have us believe.” Real life, transferred...

Links across the Pond

Matt’s on his way over to the States yet again, but mailed me a full round-up to post tonight. Naturally I’d already collected a few links I’d like to share ...

Linking a book together

Steph is in recovery after two punishing weeks of link trawling. So it’s my turn. Actually, I notice we’ve done nothing but links in recent weeks. I won’t bo...

Links from the Z-list

Welcome to the Z-list! It’s a bit of a secret round here now, but soon I’ll be launching the Z-list bloggers seminar. Z-list bloggers sometimes ramble...

This week’s links

Another week, another round up. In the Observer Aleks Krotoski interviewed Cory Doctorow, and discussed his practice of publishing under the Creative ...

A Moving Roundup

I’m still in the throes of my move, spreading my time between Cumbria and Liverpool. We’ve just moved into a temporary house with a suitcase each. I’m ...

An indolent roundup

Off to a slow start for 2010, unlike the rest of the writing community who seem to have leaped from the starting gate as if their tails are on fire. So...

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What is plot?

What is the difference between plot and story? Why does it matter? Knowing the answer might take your writing to the next level.

Site News: The Take Away

The Take Away is a new blog strand that builds on the Essential Craft Books series, but widens it to take in podcasts, articles, tweets, in fact anything t...

Image of the Week #2

This might make a good prompt for the journey and for the people in the boat – their relationships, their stories. In truth, on a day of chill and rainy murk...

Image of the Week #1

When this image came up in my morning free write, the sudden chill that shivered through me had nothing to do with the miserable November weather. What’s goi...

How to win NaNoWriMo

If you want to get through NaNoWriMo month and fall into an untroubled sleep almost every night, here are some tricks I picked up on my last couple of NaNo...

Origin Story

One of the straplines I’ve been using for this site is: what’s your tech story? That implies a story about you. And that’s deliberate. But a piece of tech wr...

Make it matter

Over a year ago and in another country, I printed the phrase make it matter on a sheet of A4 paper and stuck it to my wall. I still have the sheet but I&#...

Obligatory NaNo advice post

I know everyone is peddling advice right now, but with my Inflatable Ink co-writer poised to throw herself into NaNoWriMo for the very first time I reckon I’...

Pattern languages and fiction

In my last post I blathered about some similarities between software and fiction. Or something. If you made it through to the end you may have noticed ...

A Rebellious Character

My boy Ben had been through a bad few days, and he was feeling pretty low. What’s more it was all his fault. He’d not behaved well, he conceded, and he...

500 Words

I’m not blocked. I’m not sure I believe in being blocked. I’ve just been outside of writing for a while. Despite my 10 minute writer trick, something a...

Sympathy for the devil

I have spent the last week working on the same scene, and I have been finding it hard to lift it beyond the realm of cartoon. Admittedly my story is an...

The spam machine

Vern Emery sounds to me like the kind of man who might drive a pocket Audi sports car. He’s cut and pressed in clean lines and he sits three inches fro...

Bzzzt! Ding! Write

I was discussing my ten minute technique with some friends last week. One of them asked whether it was hard to get into the right state of mind to write for...

The ten minute writer

For some reason, the prospect of writing often fills me with mild panic. It’s the way I want to spend my time, and I whine and I beg and I steal to get...

The Scene Book

When I was working on my first draft I jumped into a scene by starting to write. Then I watched with interest as a scene or a chapter took shape. Sometimes t...

Stripped down to gesture

I’m writing again. Covering about 1000 words a day. Of which I’ll probably throw away most. I allow myself to digress shamelessly, my dialogue stalls or gabb...

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Lunchtimes at the library

The recent #rememberingmylibrary hashtag has stuck with me, much in the same way that library memories themselves do. Libraries have a church-like aspect - w...

Starting a writers’ group

I’m the founder of a writers’ group in Salt Lake City that has 534 members called Just Write: Salt Lake City. Using Meet Up it was pretty easy to create th...

Analysing Boojum

I’m primarily working on a novel at the moment, but I’m also increasingly interested in the form and structure of the short story . I’ve taken to reading and...

Ancient sports days (Day 8)

Somehow the sports gene passed me by. It’s not that I don’t like exercise — I have to run at least every other day, or I feel even more crabby and irritable ...

SF and prediction

Last week I happened on an interesting Guardian blog piece by Jenny Rohn that discussed speculative fiction that ‘gets it wrong’. So I reflex-posted to Faceb...

Presently tense

I was going to call this post Present Tension.. but then I noticed an article by John August that has already taken the name. Drats. But with good reason, it...

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